Rotary Club of Indianola was chartered on September 26, 1922. 

In September 2022 our club celebrated its Centennial as a member of the Indianola Community.

The Four Pillars of Rotary

  Of the things we think, say or do:

  •      Is It the TRUTH?

  •      Is it FAIR to all concerned?

  •      Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?

  •      Will it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The Rotary Motto:   

  Service Above Self  



A few of the Club's accomplishments over the past 30 years include:

  • Rotaract and Interact Clubs at Simpson College and Indianola High School.

  • Our 75th Anniversary Project was building the Gazebo located in Buxton Park.

  • Furnishing labor to create a deck at the Annette Nature Center

  • Raising Funds and labor to create an All Inclusive Playground at Pickard Park

  • Ticket Sales and Parking Cars at the National Balloon Classic for over 30 years.

  • Dictionaries to 3rd Grade Students since 2003.

  • To Celebrate Rotary International's Centennial in 2005, our club built the Shelter at the Summerset Recreational Trailhead on 5th Street.
  • Brews For Stews - packaging Guinness Stew for delivery to Heal House and The Helping Hand during the winter months.

  • Contributing to the eradication of Polio.

  • Our Club's Centennial Project is helping local Disc Golf Enthusiasts create a beginner Disc Golf Course at McCord Park, on the west side of Indianola.

These are in addition to the many community service projects completed during our first 75 years, which have been lost with the passing of so many members who dedicated their professional lives to improving this community.  We are so grateful to those who had the vision to create a community service club and those who followed which provided current members with the opportunity to continue to make our Community Better! 


  Service Above Self